Hi reader...

My name is Maritess Ortinez and I am a Filipina. I've created this blog as a medium of showcasing my family online. I'll be posting photos, videos, and other things as well so that friends and relatives online can be updated as to how my family's doing...

To start off, here are some photos of us during the last All Saints Day 2007...

On the first picture, the woman in the pink and white striped t-shirt is me with two of my cousins standing next to me. The woman sitting below me is my mother. This place is my father's grave. Filipinos are somewhat fanatical when it comes to remembering their dead loved ones. We usually spend All Saints Day at the cemetery from 2:00 in the afternoon till 2:00 in the morning. We also usually bring foods and do have some kind of feast in the cemetery. The general atmosphere is somewhat more of a joyful celebration rather than a solemn one.

The next picture is me with my youngest daughter. She's trying to wear some kind of a Halloween mask and was trying to scare her smaller cousins. She end up getting scared herself when an unknown guy who was wearing another mask walked past by us.

I'll be posting more as soon as I can...